Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blowing in the Wind

I am reminded of a song that contains the lyrics; “The answer is blowing in the wind.”
Too many of us are searching “out there” for answers to life and day to day problems we
face. We look to friends, institutions, government, gurus and books. Some may even
look to the entertainment world for answers to “what’s wrong” and how to solve it.
This is not to say some valuable information and insight cannot be found in these places
but it is not the place or the information gathered there that will supply the answers we
seek. It is how we internalize this information, our thought process surrounding the
information. All our problems are solved or fed from the inside. The answer lies within.
Outside information is simply a tool and nothing more. These tools must be used to build
new blueprints, behaviors, not just surface thoughts and wishful thinking for man does
not become what he wishes but that which he truly harbors in his heart.
The answer my friend is found within. It can be no other way.

Your own thoughts, desires, and aspirations comprise your world, and, to you, all that
there is in the universe of beauty and joy and bliss, or of ugliness and sorrow and pain,
are contained within yourself. By your own thoughts you make or mar your life, your
world, your universe.
James Allen

Monday, June 28, 2010


It is better to say nothing, do nothing, and listen for a time allowing without interference
or opposition.

We cannot fully understand another’s experience or the workings of Divine Intelligence.
Interference causes friction. Friction creates draining negative energy restricting the flow
of good which is always trying to come to us.

With faith and gratitude we enter each circumstance looking for the lessons to be learned,
the growth and opportunity contained within.

Those who have faith in and adhere to the laws of our universe can relax having
confidence all will come to a successful conclusion. All that is necessary will be
provided in its perfect time. It is always this or something more.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sustained Thought = Success

Embrace your desires with gratitude, faith and action for gratitude, faith and action are the nourishment with which we nurture our worthy ideals.

All great accomplishments began as thought substance.  No thing in existence, no accomplishment has ever been realized except it was first a thought.

Man is a thought center and by holding fast the thoughts of his desires with gratitude and faith will attract the conditions congenial to his purpose and must act upon them.

Do not waste your thoughts on what was or on the appearance of what is for things are seldom as they seem.  By your thoughts turn all circumstance positively toward your purpose not worrying for material possessions or where provision will come from. 

The Source of Creation is not interested in material possessions or status.  It will provide what is needed – it will guide, motivate, and influence you and everyone else.

Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life - Dr. Wayne Dyer 
    Creation is seldom logical and often demands quantum leaps.  Great faith and action, with gratitude will be required of those who wish to move forward.  Any thoughts of lack or limitation will lay waste all desire.  A strong belief in our Creator and that our Creator desires an abundant life for all is a prerequisite to your success.  Be grateful for all for it has helped shape what represents you by your thought choices.  There is no luck or happenstance involved.  It is preparedness meeting opportunity.  We prepare by mastering the tools of sustained thought, faith, action and gratitude. 

    Monday, June 21, 2010


    We have heard it said we must not judge another till we have walked a mile in his shoes. 
    I say we must never judge another yea we walk ten miles in his shoes for we cannot know nor understand what has gone before. 
    If we are ever to judge another be sure to judge on the side of goodness and all things positive for judgment is clothed in its corresponding vibration.  Judgment may be both positive and negative and will return to its maker that which he has put forth. 
    This is not to say we turn a blind eye to negativity.  We need to be aware of the negative, take appropriate action by focusing on the positive thereby consuming the negative and it shall pass away.  No negative thing can survive long in a positive environment.

    Wednesday, June 2, 2010

    Seeing Clearly

    The closer we get the more recondite our vision becomes.

    The challenge is to remain at the focal point where all things remain clear, opportunity and decisions may present themselves without question or hesitation.

    A competent knowledge of the operation ego and spirit fulfill is necessary to distinguish the voices.

    Few possess the awareness; fewer still are willing to do the work.

    No wonder so many blindly wander.