Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Friday, October 30, 2009

Find Out About You

"We all have to learn to be ourselves and not conform to what other people think we should be. You are a very special and unique person with a gift only you can give the world. Whatever you do don’t let people or circumstances change the person you are and don’t try to change other people. Love them for what they are and trust in them for all they can become."

"All you need to do is to take the time to find out about you. Not who other people believe you are but the real you." - Thomas Robarge, Workbook For Success

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gain / Cost = ??

This game of life doesn’t come without cost
For everything gained there is something lost
Tis Universal law by which we live
To get, we must give.
So be wary my friend
Thought chooses our end
With weights and measures
We must select our treasures
To share, discuss or debate email premierblueprints@gmail.com

Monday, October 26, 2009

Learn and Share

One of the most beautiful gifts we can give to our self and others is the gift of thought.

Learn and teach all who are willing the art of thinking for them self.

Thinking is a definite process as sure and proven as any mathematical equation.

Calm the mind let your desires be known for it is from this stillness we rise above the confusion to become all we are meant to be. From this quietude life is created.

For further discussion email premierblueprints@gmail.com

Friday, October 23, 2009

How's Your Day Going?

Have you ever wakened in a bad mood, agitated, irritable, or feeling anxious for some unknown reason?

It is important we don’t take ownership of these feelings allowing them to dictate the kind of day we are going to have. Be aware that the emotions we feel may not be our own. We need to question these emotions of unknown origin, find out where they may have come from and discard them as quickly as possible by selecting positive uplifting thoughts. Talk to these emotions, thank them for passing by and you appreciate them but they serve you no purpose so it is time to leave…..and they will.

Until we realize nothing, (no thing), and no one can ruin our day but our self we will continue to be at the mercy of all manner of outside forces tossing us to and fro at their every whim and fancy.

Know we have the power within us to determine the kind of day we are going to have each and every day no matter our circumstance and environment. We need to realize we have the ability to set the tone for the day the night before as we are falling asleep. If we fall asleep angry, frustrated, telling ourselves we are drained, or even just telling our self we are tired, guess what? There is a good chance this is how we will awaken setting the tone for the day. I am not saying to deny the fact we feel tired. No, what I am saying is be thankful for the tired feeling for it means we have done all we could do that day but tell your self as you fall asleep; “Yes I am tired now but I am going to have an amazing restful sleep and awaken totally refreshed and ready for an awesome productive day”. This may take a little practice but it is like magic. Look yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning and tell your self you are beautiful and this day is going to be awesome because you have the power to choose your thoughts feelings and actions.
There is much to be discussed on this topic but this is sufficient for now. I shall come back to it at a future time.

Questions? Discussion….email premierblueprints@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Making Friends

Victory!! My shop vac, the power cord, and I are finally buddies.

This may sound unusual to many but anyone who has ever used a shop vac will know of what I speak.

I always use my shop vac to vacuum the studio. Generally it is way over due. I like to use the excuse of lack of time but deep down I think I know it is because every time it is all out war between me and the shop vac. Hauling that thing around is like struggling with the reluctant puppy on the end of a leash for the first time. The shop vac purposely runs into, gets stuck on and falls over every piece of apparatus it can possibly find. To top it all off, 90% of the time he will also let go of the hose whilst tripping over everything in sight, making it necessary to stop, go back and reinsert said hose. Making matters even more exasperating the power cord teams up with shop vac by insisting on tangling and snagging on everything imaginable. Can anyone relate?

The other day was vacuum day at the studio. I had visions of the ensuing battle but stopped short recalling the message in a little book I have read, oh, probably ½ a dozen times called As You Wish. Perhaps if I visualized a different outcome and expected a new experience I just might be able to make friends with the shop vac and gain its cooperation. So, I spent some time visualizing myself working with the shop vac, telling it how awesome and agile it was as it maneuvered successfully around all the obstacles with the power cord in tow never getting tangled or caught up on anything. As silly as this sounds, it worked like a charm. It was the best vacuuming experience I have ever had. Not one incident. It was as I wished, and expected. Think about the only thing that had changed in this situation. Same shop vac, same power cord, same studio, what was different?

I tell you this story to illustrate a principle law in relationships. If we find someone particularly difficult to get along with perhaps it is because that is what we have learned to expect from them. Maybe if we were to visualize a pleasant experience every time we had to deal with such people, adjust our attitude, things may turn out differently. In the end you will always find it is AS YOU WISH.

Please email premierblueprints@gmail.com for discussion or vacuuming tips.

Monday, October 19, 2009

More on Forgiveness

If we wish to experience complete happiness, fulfillment, peace, joy, and health in our lives it is imperative we learn how to first forgive others, and then to forgive ourselves. By our thoughts we are the sole creators and possessors of our ills, not God, not our neighbor, nor any other outside influence.

James Allen gives us; Man is made or unmade by himself, in the armory of his thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself.

When we harbour feelings of guilt, anger, jealousy, remorse or any of the myriad of negative emotions toward others or our self we essentially reduce or cut off the supply of all that is good coming to us. We become disconnected, in disharmony with our creative source, which brings us love, peace, joy, prosperity, health and all that is good. Forgiveness is more for our well being than that of the other person. We only hurt ourselves by refusing to forgive. In essence we are punishing ourselves. Why would we want to do that?

These negative emotions set up an environment conducive to sickness and disease of all kinds. This is not theory but scientifically proven fact. These emotions create an acidic environment in the body making it a breeding ground for all manner of sickness from mental illness, to seasonal colds, to cancer.

Keep in mind forgiveness does not mean we forget for there are valuable lessons to be learned when we are wronged or we wrong someone else and correct it. What it does mean is we are able to recount the incident without attaching negative emotion to it. Until you have done this you have not truly forgiven the person or yourself.

To forgive we must reconnect with the Infinite Intelligence that is in all of us and see each person as their true self, which is love, peace and harmony. We must understand it is through ignorance and small mindedness we are done ill by. Develop compassion for those who are out of touch with their Inner Self and wish for them what we would wish for ourselves. Wish love, peace, joy, wisdom, and all the blessings of life to others and yourself but above all love for love is the only way to wizen the roots of unforgiving.

For discussion please email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Friday, October 16, 2009


"Forgiveness of others is essential to mental peace and radiant health. You must forgive everyone who has ever hurt you if you want perfect health and happiness. Forgive yourself by getting your thoughts in harmony with Devine law and order. You cannot forgive yourself completely until you have forgiven others first. To refuse to forgive yourself is nothing more or less than spiritual pride or ignorance." - Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

My thoughts on the importance of forgiveness next week.

Questions? Email me, premierblueprints@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What’s Your Motive?

It is unwise to pursue the favour of another or strive for status.

When we do these things we risk losing self and becoming what others think we should be doing, what others think we should do.

If we gain favour or status it is always a struggle to maintain with the risk of losing it. This creates unnatural stress leading to all manner of disease.

It is important to check our motives. Are we following our Inner Guidance toward our worthy ideals, trying to gain the favour of others or seeking to please ego striving for a certain level of status?

Spend some quiet time each day to discover the motives behind your actions to be sure they are serving your Inner Self. Always work toward becoming YOU.

For further discussion email premierblueprints@gmail.com

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Art of Allowing

Just as we plant a seed in fertile ground, patiently water and nurture it, so too must we let our desires be known, water and nurture them through right thinking and allow them to transform without force or coercion into the beautiful flower we imagined.

In the absence of urgency relax and enjoy each moment for what it offers. The rose comes into full bloom in its own time.

Unhurried Life
How can a man’s life keep its course
If he will not let it flow?
Those who flow as life flows know
They need no other force:
They feel no wear, they feel no tear,
They need no mending, no repair.
- Witter Bynner
To discuss email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Empty to be Full

It is in our emptiness we find the fullness of life.

Bruce Lee used to demonstrate to his hopeful new students how, unless they emptied themselves of any previous knowledge or preconceived ideas, it would be impossible for them to learn anything from him. He would demonstrate this by showing them a glass of water full to the brim and then try to add more to it. The new water of course spilled over the sides and could not be absorbed.

In a similar way our minds may become so cluttered with egotistical preprogrammed garbage it becomes impossible for our Creative Force to be heard. When we become focused on the appearance of things, allowing the five senses to be our guide, we risk losing all that is good heading our way. Allowing our senses to be our guide we become driven by the physical appearance of things around us seeing lack, limitation and labels. This creates a competitive urgency to accumulate, never leading to fulfillment, but to frustration and fear. This mind set is responsible for all kinds of disease and abominations. This mind set creates a unidirectional flow of life inward which is inharmonious with the Universal Law of Receiving. To get we must give. The more we are able to give the more we can receive. Life is meant to be multidirectional, a continual flow out to in. A principle of life is to flow outward for the greater expansion and benefit of all. As we share our gifts we create room for more growth, more sharing.

At our center is a space of nonbeing. This placeless place, this void is not truly a void. It is Life itself, Creative Energy from which knowingly or unknowingly we create our physical world. Anything we impress by thought upon this Creative Energy, convincing it to be true, will manifest itself on the physical plane. Our Creative Force contains all the answers we seek but will only reveal and manifest the TRUE desires of the heart, not fanciful whims and wishes.

If we wish to tap into our Creative Force taking advantage of the alimentation residing there and play an active role in the development of our life it is necessary to relax into a quiescent state. Quiet the mind emptying it of as much of the mental distortion as possible by getting into a sleepy state where there is no conflict between the objective and subjective mind. In this state of quietude with joy and thanksgiving make your requests known to this Creative Power which is in all of us. Once our requests have been made we must let them go, be thankful for all we have and all that is coming to us and TRUST our Creative Force to bring us the answers we seek. We cannot force the answers to come by thinking or trying harder. We must relax, let go and allow them to come. Our part is by faith to be aware of when they are presented and be prepared to act upon them.

It is by this emptying of self we allow our Creative Force to bring us the fullness of life we seek.

For thoughts and discussion email premierblueprints@gmai.com.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Potter

As the potter must keep his hands on the clay and maintain its suppleness so must we keep our thoughts upon our worthy intentions.

In the end it is the emptiness inside that makes the vessel useful...

For discussion please email premierblueprints@gmail.com

Friday, October 2, 2009

Overcoming Setbacks Pt. II

Realize our subconscious is our Creative Force. Within it are the answers we seek and we find only that which we seek with our heart. Read that last sentence again, slowly.

Our subconscious contains all knowledge. It created and sustains us. It keeps our heart, lungs, and digestion going. It heals our wounds without us giving thought to these things. It is also responsible for and can correct any chemical imbalances.

Our subconscious is like a rich pool of resources both negative and positive from which through our thoughts, (whether knowingly or unknowingly), we design our lives. Thomas Troward referred to it as Devine Operation when he wrote:

“My mind is a center of Divine operation. The Divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression and this means the production of something beyond what has gone before, something entirely new, not included in past experience, though proceeding out of it by an orderly sequence of growth. Therefore, since the Divine cannot change it’s inherent nature, it must operate in the same manner in me; consequently in my special world, of which I am the center, it will move forward to produce new conditions, always in advance of any that have gone before.”

James Allen gave us:

Mind is the master power that molds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The tool of thought, and shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, or a thousand ills;
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass;
Environment is but his looking glass.

The Power is within each of us to overcome all self-destruction and realize all we desire. This Power does not favor one over another. We must harmonize with this Devine Operation for it is said; “where two or more are in agreement, (conscious and subconscious mind), it will be done.”

For further thoughts or discussion email premierblueprints@gmail.com