Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Empty to be Full

It is in our emptiness we find the fullness of life.

Bruce Lee used to demonstrate to his hopeful new students how, unless they emptied themselves of any previous knowledge or preconceived ideas, it would be impossible for them to learn anything from him. He would demonstrate this by showing them a glass of water full to the brim and then try to add more to it. The new water of course spilled over the sides and could not be absorbed.

In a similar way our minds may become so cluttered with egotistical preprogrammed garbage it becomes impossible for our Creative Force to be heard. When we become focused on the appearance of things, allowing the five senses to be our guide, we risk losing all that is good heading our way. Allowing our senses to be our guide we become driven by the physical appearance of things around us seeing lack, limitation and labels. This creates a competitive urgency to accumulate, never leading to fulfillment, but to frustration and fear. This mind set is responsible for all kinds of disease and abominations. This mind set creates a unidirectional flow of life inward which is inharmonious with the Universal Law of Receiving. To get we must give. The more we are able to give the more we can receive. Life is meant to be multidirectional, a continual flow out to in. A principle of life is to flow outward for the greater expansion and benefit of all. As we share our gifts we create room for more growth, more sharing.

At our center is a space of nonbeing. This placeless place, this void is not truly a void. It is Life itself, Creative Energy from which knowingly or unknowingly we create our physical world. Anything we impress by thought upon this Creative Energy, convincing it to be true, will manifest itself on the physical plane. Our Creative Force contains all the answers we seek but will only reveal and manifest the TRUE desires of the heart, not fanciful whims and wishes.

If we wish to tap into our Creative Force taking advantage of the alimentation residing there and play an active role in the development of our life it is necessary to relax into a quiescent state. Quiet the mind emptying it of as much of the mental distortion as possible by getting into a sleepy state where there is no conflict between the objective and subjective mind. In this state of quietude with joy and thanksgiving make your requests known to this Creative Power which is in all of us. Once our requests have been made we must let them go, be thankful for all we have and all that is coming to us and TRUST our Creative Force to bring us the answers we seek. We cannot force the answers to come by thinking or trying harder. We must relax, let go and allow them to come. Our part is by faith to be aware of when they are presented and be prepared to act upon them.

It is by this emptying of self we allow our Creative Force to bring us the fullness of life we seek.

For thoughts and discussion email premierblueprints@gmai.com.

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