Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Offerings of Forgiveness

All things you could possibly desire are to be found in, and offered up, by forgiveness.

Would you like peace - forgiveness offers it.

Is your desire for happiness, a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty that transcends the world? These things may only be found in forgiveness.

Do you want care and safety, and the warmth of sure protection always? You will realize it in forgiveness.

How would it feel to have a quietness that cannot be disturbed, a gentleness that never can be hurt, a deep abiding comfort, and a rest so perfect it can never be upset? All these things are offered in forgiveness and more.

Why would you seek another answer to these questions? Here is the perfect answer to all you seek. What more could you desire other than what forgiveness offers? Forgiveness is the answer to realizing these gifts - you will not find another.

Forgive and be forgiven. As you give so shall you receive for giving and receiving are one and the same. Through forgiveness all illusions the world has spun fall away before the power of forgiveness and Truth shines forth.

Forgiveness offers everything you want. Do not waste time looking elsewhere.

Adaptation of lesson 122 from A Course In Miracles

My mission - purpose - is to assist others to achieve a higher quality of life and understanding - realizing their passions and purpose in life through gaining clarity of thought and definiteness of purpose.


  1. I get the whole thing that forgiveness is more for me than the person I'm forgiving, but all the forgiveness in the world isn't going to change the fact, that when
    you look at that person .that hurt you.
    what they did to you Is what you see. the dynamic of the friendship or relationship changes. the trust is lost, because what happened changed you and not them.
    How do we know when we have truly from our heart forgiven. can that question truly be answered

    1. First understand forgiveness does not mean forgetting. It is important we remember the lesson contained within the circumstance in order to raise that level of vibration so we may attract a more congenial circumstance.
      Having said that it is also important to realize people enter our lives to provide circumstances for us to grow by. We cannot attract from another anything which is not in ourselves wether it be negative or affirmative. The positive we want to keep and build upon. The negative we need to dissolve through forgiveness discovering the affirmative within the circumstance.
      Once you understand our Truth - who and what we are, which is Spirit - love, peace, joy, and abundance, it becomes easier to forgive knowing any circumstance outside of love is not represented by the Truth of that person but ego, the false self. You have attracted the circumstance to you and are solely responsible for it and the lesson contained within for forward growth.
      You are now able to be thankful for the circumstance and the person through which it came knowing it all has purpose in raising the quality of your experiences. By forgiving and releasing the person you also free yourself.
      When do you know this has happened? When you can be in the presence or think of the other person with love and compassion, without remorse or conviction. For in Love and forgiveness there can be no fear.
      I could write much more however this should give you the basic understanding.

  2. Thank you for your response, it was greatly appreciated.
    but in my humble opinion, I believe that forgiveness is always possible if that is what one chooses to do. and somethings you just cant say I'm thankful for happening and I'm thankful to the person who was the cause, when someone destroys something in you. Most things in this life are easier said than done.
    We have to be willing to step up and change ourselves for our own peace of mind. inspite of what befalls us in this life,

    1. One of the most difficult realities to accept is that we are the makers of our experiences. We are responsible, not another.
      You are quite correct in stating forgiveness is a choice. If one thing is choice all things must be choice, including accepting the thought, belief, that another can destroy something within you without your permission.
      Many endured the atrocities of the war camps while many more gave up hope. Most who chose to survive will tell you they chose to see themselves as they Truly are, which is Spirit and not their body. It mattered not what horrors were performed on the physical for they understood that is not who nor what they are. Viktor Frankl gives a very in depth description of choosing to remain happy under the most severe conditions of abuse.
      Being grateful and forgiveness is one of the hardest things for us to properly understand and accept. It goes completely against all that ego stands for.
      Forgiveness is as much for self as it is for another. What you release in one you release in your Self. Your vibration changes so that you will no longer attract similar experiences again. You cannot attract experiences from without if it is not already residing within. You may only attract those experiences which reside at your current level of vibration - both good and uncongenial.
      I love the poem by James Allen.
      Mind is the master power that molds and makes
      And man is mind, and evermore he takes
      The tool of thought, and, shaping what he wills,
      Brings forth a thousand joys or a thousand ills.
      He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:
      Environment is but his looking glass.
