Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Thursday, July 18, 2013


God is our refuge and our strength – in Him we can do all things

We are pure – we are blameless. Our True nature is love, joy and purity.

We are Gods and He is ours – we are of God and in Us is nothing unclean

We are pure – we all belong to God and each other – all are One with God and blameless

God is our comforter in Him we have peace, joy and love

In God we have confidence for God is all knowing and we are of God

To have all that we require we need only focus our thought on the Light which is God and our True Self

We are Truth – we are Knowledge – we are Love – we are Joy – we are Light

In Christ we find comfort and all things real

I have learned that Love is Truth. Outside of Love nothing real exists

In Love we have perfection – we were created in this perfection – therefore we are perfect

The Holy Spirit is given as our guide. He will lead us back to this perfection we have forgotten – to who we really are

We need only desire and ask His direction – listen, He will speak to us

Jesus is our brother who went before us – in Him we have hope – He is our example

Focus on thoughts of Love for what we give attention to we give power – give only Love power for this is the only real power

See only Love in our brothers for what we make of them we make of our self – if we wish for something we must wish it for all – share

There are only two emotions – Love and fear

Fear has many faces and is not real – interpret fear for what it is – a cry for help

Recognizing fear in another we recognize fear in our self

Denying what is false in another we deny what is false in our self

Recognizing and accepting what is True we are healed

Having blinded our self to Truth, through the separation, we must seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our Helper; He will answer all who come to Him

We must not hide from our fears covering them up. This will only serve to preserve them. Bring them before the light of the Holy Spirit that He may Shine them away – for light dispels darkness. He cannot accomplish this if we do not first give them over to Him

Fear shows itself in many ways – feelings of guilt, incompetence, laziness and blame are but a few that may go unrecognized as fear. To accept them is to accept what is false – denying Truth

The Holy Spirit cannot help us with these things lest we offer them to Him allowing Him to dispel them for us – for we are not capable of doing this on our own

If a brother is weak we can do this for him by recognizing only what is pure in him – showing him his reality – healing him

We need to realize these fears are false images we have created through ego – egos way of ensuring its survival. They do not represent who we are – we are love, joy, perfection – deny what is false, accept Truth and see Truth in our brothers – this is our purpose

Do not judge our brother for by judging him we judge our self. Do not judge by the past for the past is gone and does not exist nor in reality did it ever exist. Judging one another through a perceived past will only serve to bring more of the same in a perceived future that does not really exist except we make it so.

Now is the only moment we ever have and is always. Time does not exist in reality – time is of the ego and is used to imprison and label as this or that never to escape the separation of individualism. Time is one of egos most powerful weapons – only through the Holy Spirits love and wisdom are we able to escape into reality – into the Oneness and timeless love of God, the Father of all that is real.

We have been blinded and taught by well intentioned people sharing what they have perceived as Truth but are blind themselves. Guilt, being the great separator tying past to future – the illusion of the ego – bringing us more of the same which never really exists except we make it so in our mind – then our physical experience.

Surrender all to the Holy One. In truth we never make a decision on our own. We either side with ego, representing fear, or we side with God, representing Love, the only truth there is.

"And I pray this, that your love may abound even more in knowledge and every kind of insight."
Philippians 1:9

My mission - purpose - is to assist others to achieve a higher quality of life and understanding - realizing their power and purpose in life through gaining clarity of thought and definiteness of purpose.

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