Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Monday, August 31, 2009


The first step in building self-confidence is to believe in that Infinite Power within you.

The second step is to commune regularly with this Almighty Presence.

When the thought I can’t do this comes to you, mentally affirm: But the Devine Presence can.

"It’s infinitely powerful and nothing can oppose or challenge it. It’s all-mighty." - Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem., Dr. Joseph Murphy

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