Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Friday, January 8, 2010

Negativity Negates

Negativity negates prosperity, love, joy, and all good things from coming to us.

I have spent some time lately talking with people who say they practice their meditation, getting into that sleepy state where there is little conflict between conscious and subconscious, and visualizing their desires with emotional content and positive affirmations, doing all the right things, taking all the steps as far as internal work is concerned yet, not experiencing the results they had hoped for.

What I have discovered through our conversations is that many are unaware of the negative thought patterns and conversations they engage in on a daily basis outside of their internal work. Most return to allowing their mind to be their guide. It is important to realize we are not our mind we are spirit. Our mind is simply a tool through which we manifest our desires into our physical world. We must realize we get what we think and talk about whether we want it or not.

How much time do we spend on a daily basis complaining about weather, “bad” drivers, gas prices, hydro prices, finances, government, aches and pains, our duties? All these things set up a negative vibration about us making it difficult for anything positive to reach us.

When we engage in thoughts such as wealthy people are snobbish, or dishonest we are actually chasing money from us.

When we engage in negative conversation about our aches and pains or the aches and pains of others we bring more upon our-self.

If our self -talk is negative or we see and feel our-self as inferior, whether it is a physical or mental handicap, we cannot help but reap the negative attributes these seeds produce in every facet of our life. Without exception this includes business, financial, relationship, social, you name it.

If we carry anger, resentment, or any number of negative emotions within us it will be difficult or impossible to attract the positive things we wish to manifest in our life. Depending on the strength of these emotions our supply of all that is worthy is shut off.

Again I say we get what we think and talk about whether we want it or not.

If we wish to attract more of what we want into our life it is necessary to develop an attitude of gratitude for all we have in this moment. Be thankful for what you have, know what you want directing all your attention to it with patience and confidence and more will be added unto you.

Please e-mail for discussion premierblueprints@gmail.com


  1. Hi Marshall,
    I just discovered your blog from a plug on Joanne's blog and I'd just like to say thanks for all the insightful and inspirational posts. I'm going through a rough patch lately and found your posts quite helpful; it's nice to see you have a spiritual side and I hope you and Joanne are very happy together. I'm John McNamara, Joanne's bio-uncle, I found her on the internet in 2002. Well , thanks again and take care.

    1. Hi John,
      Thank you for your kind words. I am happy you have been able to find some support in the writings which come through me. If I can be of any assistance at any time you may contact me by email at


      Take care
