Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Perfect Happiness.

God's will, (Power of Intention, Creative Intelligence), for each one is perfect happiness. We are created in Love. Therefore our natural state is perfect happiness experiencing abundance of life. However each one, as an individual personality of Spirit, is responsible for defining what perfect happiness is for them.
To realize perfect happiness you must develop clarity with purpose through Self-contemplation of Spirit as to what perfect happiness is for you. Only in this way are you able to manifest your experience of perfect happiness to your physical environment from Creative Intelligence.
It is only important you know what perfect happiness represents for you as an individual personality in our physical experience and why you want this perfect happiness. The how shall be revealed. An awareness must be developed to recognize opportunity as it is presented to you and action must follow or the whole exercise just becomes wishful thinking.
You may define your perfect happiness as such;

Perfect happiness for me is the ability to spend more quality time with family and friends.

This is a good representation of what happiness is for you however does not address the question of why.

This would be better written as;

Perfect happiness for me is spending less time at work in order to spend more quality time with family and friends bringing more joy to all.

This statement answers the what, the why, and raises the quality of life for all involved.

Another example, and I'll take this one a step further, might be;

Perfect happiness for me is being financially secure able to pay all bills on time and in full with plenty left over to assist others, invest, and enjoy life.
Perfect happiness for me is the ability to help others realize a higher quality of life thereby elevating the experience for all involved.

The idea here is defining exactly what perfect happiness is for you in all arenas of life and why you desire it. These statements now become the center of all your thoughts. You cannot focus on what is or has been and expect different results from your current perception of things. You must cocoon your new desire with supporting thoughts throughout each day and carry them into your sleep. One key element I have not discussed here is that your statements must feel good, resonate well with you, and be believable for your subjective mind to accept them. I shall discuss this in more detail at another time.
For now it is enough for you to formulate a few feel good statements pertaining to what perfect happiness for you means and why you want perfect happiness to be your experience.

My mission - purpose - is to assist others to achieve a higher quality of life and understanding - realizing their passions and purpose in life through gaining clarity of thought and definiteness of purpose.

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