Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Perfect Workout Every Time

It is important to mentally prepare yourself before every training session beginning the night before.

The perfect workout begins inside your mind. You make a conscious decision how your training will go the next day no matter what is happening around you. I want you to realize nothing can ruin your workout but you. Only you can allow that to happen. Take 10 minutes just before you go to sleep and tell yourself you are going to have an amazing workout the next day.

Visualize with emotion. Get all the senses involved as you mentally go through your session. Feel the energy and the power you will bring to your training session. Visualize the drive you will have. Get excited about your progress and realizing your goals. Upon rising take time to do some deep breathing and clear your mind. Down a full glass of water and feel the energy flow into your body and mentally prepare yourself for a magnificent day and know your training will be awesome. Take a few moments throughout the day to breathe deeply and visualize your workout.

When training time rolls around you will be so pumped and ready it will be impossible to have an off workout. Over and over without fail when my clients do this they always experience excellent results.

"As a being of Power, Intelligence, and Love, and the lord of our own thoughts, each of us holds the key to every situation and contains within ourselves that transforming and regenerative agency by which we may make ourselves what we will." -- James Allen, As A Man Thinketh

For more thoughts on how you can have a perfect workout every time send me an email.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thoughts = You

Where Are You Taking Yourself?

Here is something for you to think on this week. Do you realize that the life we are experiencing to date is actually the sum total of our thoughts or the thoughts of others which we chose to accept and act upon to this point in our lives? And in five years from now we will be nothing more than the sum total of the thoughts we choose to act on to that point in our lives. We are no more than our thoughts acted out in physical form. End result is we will always become and experience in our lives what we spend most of our time thinking about and acting on. If we have circular thoughts, sometimes positive, happy, focused, and other times sad, depressed, indecisive, letting our circumstances and environment dictate our thinking, determining our attitudes, our lives will be filled with emotional highs and lows, in constant turmoil making little progress if any.

When we realize our happiness and success is created on the inside, regardless of outside circumstances and environment and that our lives are created from the inside out, that we have the power to choose our thoughts which determine our results in life, we begin to gain control over our lives through our thought process focusing on what we want to be, do and have in life.

It is a simple process but it is not easy. The more we practice controlling our thoughts and remaining focused each day on the life we wish to build for ourselves the easier it becomes and we begin to attract into our lives and become more aware of the opportunities which will present themselves. At this point it is necessary to decide how we will act on these opportunities, for without action there is no movement.

For ideas on how to begin controlling your thoughts thereby directing your life goals send me an email. I will be happy to share some proven exercises my clients and I have found very helpful.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Note to Successful Weight Management

We must change the way we think about the word DIET. In today’s society diet means deprivation and limitation not lifestyle and abundance. Our focus must switch from what we cannot have to "Wow I get to eat five times per day". Any time I feel hungry I can grab something to eat, this is awesome. Focusing on the negative will only bring you more of the same and guarantee your eventual failure. What you RESIST will PERSIST. Giving attention to what you can’t have is a form of RESISTANCE and will only serve to strengthen your desire for them. By choosing only positive thoughts and forming that mental picture in your mind of what you are accomplishing will serve to motivate and excite you driving you to your success. You must choose to change the way you think and take action on those thoughts.

Einstein once said. “Our problems can’t be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” I would add to that. Change the way you look at things and the things you look at CHANGE.

Diet is simply a word which represents how and what you eat, whether it is pizza and beer or prime rib and salad. It is unfortunate our society has lost this meaning and made diet out to represent lack and limitation. No wonder so many fail.

The exercise of proper thinking may seem trivial and silly to you but I have seen it work time and again for those who adhere to the laws of proper use of the mind. It is the weak willed the undisciplined who fail. The unskilled that do not properly use the tools provided.

Just as the skilled craftsman picks up his tools and carves his destiny so too must you if you wish to attain your mark.

To acquire your tools which cannot fail when used as designed send me an email, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Developing the Guns!!

I'm going to go straight to the point today and let you know how to develop those infamous "guns" everyone is always talking about!

It has been my experience that arms respond best when biceps and triceps are trained together on the same day. In the past I have tried splitting the arms up. I have done triceps with chest and biceps with back. I have tried triceps with back and biceps with chest. Nothing I have witnessed has yielded the results of training bis and tris on the same day. Some of the best results we have seen have been when shoulders and arms are trained on the same day.

Shoulders are trained using one compound exercise and one or two isolation exercises utilizing drop sets done in circuit fashion. Three rounds with little rest in-between are generally sufficient.

Arms are generally trained in circuit fashion also utilizing drop sets and static holds with minimal rest between rounds.

This training is brief, intense, and gets results quickly.

Give it a six weeks try and build your best guns ever for this summer.

Drop me an email if you require assistance designing your program. I have the exact workout blueprint you're looking for to get the guns loaded for summer!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Be Willing to Revisit

Very often in life our first encounter with something or someone becomes the determining factor as to whether or not we wish to include it or them in our lives.

As a child your parents may have taken you to a water park where you had a terrifying experience on the water slide. To this day you have avoided ever going back because your perception from that first encounter is that water parks are dangerous. Instead of LOGICALLY thinking about and CHALLENGING your belief, seeing thousands of others safely having a great time at water parks, you allow your perception from that first experience to control you, robbing you of the opportunity for fun and friendship.

Are your beliefs, perceptions about someone or something keeping you from an experience you would really like to try again? Challenge your beliefs, where did they come from? How were they developed? Are they valid? What could you be missing out on because of them? Is there something in your life you should be willing to give another try?

“Change. It has the power to uplift, to heal, to stimulate, surprise, open new doors, bring fresh experience and create excitement in life. Certainly it is worth the risk.” - Leo Buscaglia

I'd be interested to know what it is you're thinking of giving a second shot. Leave a comment, you might inspire someone else! Or send me an email at premierblueprints@gmail.com. Maybe we can figure out a way together for you to challenge your beliefs.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Importance of Friends

I am so happy and grateful for friends. Although we must understand that we are the SOLE maker of our condition this doesn’t mean we are each an island unto ourselves. Quite the opposite is true. We are connected throughout this universe. Everything was created from the same source and is INTERDEPENDENT. Man by nature is an advancing being and must rely on this interaction for his advancement. In the spiritual sense we are all created equal, however each has been gifted with differing desires and therefore attributes to be shared amongst mankind for the benefit of ALL. Through this sharing of attributes in the spirit of creation man raises his universal condition for all. On a lesser level we help one another improve our individual condition through creative interaction.

A TRUE friend recognizes the importance of allowing each individual to discover their own place, realize their own desires through their own methods. A true friend is like a sounding board, a guide to offer suggestion when consulted. A true friend does not judge and realizes they cannot know what is best for us; this is something we must discover by raising our thoughts allowing our subconscious mind to guide us. A true friend may passively interject if they believe we have strayed from our worthy ideals but is never forceful. A true friend always has our best interest at heart not what they think we should be, do, or have.

It is important to silently challenge the motives and advice from those who would call themselves friends. Is their heterosuggestion aimed at making us feel, think and act as they would have us, in ways that are to their advantage? Or are they generally concerned and supportive of our finding our own path?

Yes those around us, friends, are very important in helping us to realize our worthy ideals however in the end it is we who guide our own ship into the sunset or into the storm.

I would love the opportunity to help anyone willing plot the course of their ship. Email me at premierblueprints@gmail.com or leave a comment.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Over Trained?

The question of overtraining and how to know if you are in an over trained state came up the other day.

Overtraining is simply training beyond your body’s ability to fully recuperate before your next workout. It is not complicated. Your body requires a certain amount of rest and nutrition to recuperate between workouts. The harder and more frequent you train the more rest and good quality nutrition you require for complete recuperation. It is not rocket science. However there are other factors to consider. Lifestyle and day-to-day stress load also have an effect on recuperation time. So how to determine when to back off or step up your training?

An effective measure is resting heart rate. For one solid week take your pulse for one minute every morning the second or even before you open your eyes. Average it out to get your base line. This is the number you will use to determine whether or not you are over training. If your heart rate on any given day is within one or two beats plus or minus that is ok. If it is consistently above then you either need to back off your training or look at your rest and nutrition to make adjustments accordingly. It is all about balance.

You may be in an over trained state if you feel fatigued most of the time or experience headaches when before you rarely got headaches.

Perhaps you have hit a plateau or your enthusiasm for training has dropped significantly.
Sleep has become restless taking longer to fall asleep and waking frequently even though you feel tired.

A suppressed immune system leading to more frequent colds and sore throats which seem to linger.

If you find yourself unusually irritable or sensitive to issues, which would not normally bother you, you may be overtraining.

Once again, it is all about balance. When your body and mind are challenged on a regular basis with enough time allowed for full recuperation you have a feeling of euphoria, a high level of confidence. You are eagerly anticipating your next training session sometimes even before you have completed your present one. Your mind is sharper and thinks faster. Your mood is stable. Things you may have found stressful in the past no longer bother you and you see solutions rather than problems. This is leading into another topic so I will stop here and save it for another post.

Take time to listen to what your body is telling you and make the proper adjustments.

For a chart on resting heart rates go to netfit.co.uk/fitness/test/resting-heart-rate.htm

To discover a program that will help you to reach your goals while avoiding overtraining email me, premierblueprints@gmail.com.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am so grateful God has given man the gift of imagination. Imagination resides in the spirit, your power of intention, our subconscious mind. Without imagination none of the inventions you see around you would exist for it is from our imaginative thought that we create things from substance and manifest them in the physical realm. It is important to encourage people to think and dwell in the spiritual, subconscious realm where all things are possible.

There can be no lack or limitation here for this is where all things that ever were or will be, exist. At this level there is NO judgment, no labeling or categorizing. We just are. We can be, do, and have anything we imagine as long as our faith and desire is strong enough.

Man has succumbed to thinking mostly in the physical realm where he judges, labels and compartmentalizes things and people. We have allowed our senses and the appearance of things to become our guide instead of our all knowing limitless Power of Intention. This is a trick of the Ego. It creates thoughts of lack and limitation leading to competition and judgment. When we judge another we say you are this or that therefore you behave this way or that way. By this we imprison them, conform and limit them to what we have decided they should be. We do this individually and as a society.

If our thought process is governed by the physical realm and as a child growing up into adulthood we are told we are stupid, will never amount to anything and worthless you can bet these are the characteristics and body chemistry we will develop because this is what we will come to believe about our self and will act accordingly. People we meet will judge and react to us accordingly because of the mannerisms we develop and the vibration our body chemistry gives off as being a loser.

This only serves to reinforce what we believe to be true about our self. Mentally we remain bound by these false chains we unknowingly have chosen to accept as truth therefore becoming our reality. Chemical and physical imbalances do not exist in the spiritual realm, only in the physical brought on by stress, worries of lack, limitation and judgment. The subconscious knows how to heal all imbalances. It is our Power of Intentions desire that we be perfect. Given the opportunity and according to our faith our subconscious will heal all imbalances. Our subconscious created and sustains us; it knows how to heal us.

We can see now why it is important our thought process remain in the spiritual realm, allowing our subconscious mind, where all things are possible, to be our guide. The subconscious knows all and is all. Allowing our creative Power of Intention to guide us we do not judge or condemn others but allow them the freedom to imagine and realize their intention. We allow them to fulfill their purpose advancing life for all. When we have contact with another we need to see them as the beautiful spirit they are. Capable of accomplishing great things to advance our universe when their minds are freed from the judgments and limitations set by the physical realm.

It is important we encourage one another to see another way, to encourage right thinking. We are not our bodies, we are spirit. The body is simply our physical mode of transportation and housing while we are temporarily experiencing this physical world from which we do not come nor will we remain in it.

I would like to help encourage you and your imaginaion. Email me at premeirblueprints@gmail.com

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Best Form of Exercising Ever

Below you will find the absolute best form of exercising there ever was or will be.

It is called:

The One That You Will Do on a consistent basis.

This may seem like a rather obvious and silly statement but it’s true. Just get out there and move. Make it something enjoyable for you. Introduce variety. There are no excuses not to exercise these days. You are only limited by your imagination as to what you can do plus you can benefit from as little as a few minutes of deep breathing and stretching. How long could that take? Your BODY and your BRAIN will thank you.

More about exercise and the brain in a future post.

Every form of exercise can have a positive effect but you have to get out and DO IT!

It is not enough to have a vision.

It is not enough to have a desire.

We must ACT!

For without action there is no movement.

Get into action now - premierblueprints@gmail.com

Friday, May 8, 2009

God is Good for You

When I was a kid growing up I thought God was this all powerful Deity who set all these rules and regulations for me to follow and was just waiting for me to disobey one so he could damn me to Hell. I was forced to go to church twice every Sunday and heard God is love but will exile me from any chance of Heaven if I didn’t strictly adhere to His demands. I thought I was inherently bad, that there was something wrong with me that God wanted to save me from. Talk about a stressful guilt riddled environment to grow up in. Who in their right mind would want to follow a God like that? Fortunately I no longer think, therefore believe, in this skewered idea of what or who God is and life now is full of love, joy, prosperity and abundance as it was designed to be.

So just who is God?

First let us understand God is not religion. He is not Catholic, Jewish, Hindu, Christian, Moslem or any other man made sect. God is not Chinese, White, Black, Red or any race. God is neither man nor woman. God is not Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha or any prophet.

God is love, joy, prosperity, abundance and all things positive. God is pure. In God there is no negativity. We bring afflictions on ourselves through ignorance and improper thought choices. God is a Holy Being of positive Creative energy and man separates himself from God when he allows ego to dominate. Man has given God many different names such as The Power of Intention, Thinking Substance, Mother Nature, but God is none of these. God is the Creator and has created this thing Wallace D Wattles calls Thinking Stuff in order that man through right thinking may create the life he desires. Keep in mind man was created to commune with God and look after God’s creation.

Man, in the beginning, knew only love, joy and all things positive with no awareness of negativity. This being said man’s thought process was focused on reverence for The Divinity giving man a blissful existence. With the advent of “sin”, man became aware of and capable of negative thought and desire for things he was not designed for. Through this new found ego based thought process man began to bring afflictions upon himself for this Power of Intention will manifest whatever is imposed upon it whether for good or evil. It is not God who sends evil upon man, but man, through his ignorance and improper use of what God has created, who brings abominations of all sorts upon himself.

All humanity has been in a continual search for love, fulfillment and happiness but has been blinded from it through bestial desires which separate him from his Divinity. You cannot mix oil with water.

Man need only look inside himself, for God said I will send you a helper, which is the Holy Spirit or Subconscious mind, to guide you. When man begins to recognize and revere the Divinity, that part of God which is in all of us, he will find his love, fulfillment and happiness. Through this awareness man will be able to create the world of his intentions for the good of all mankind.

To discuss, learn or debate email me at premierblueprints@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

When Gaining Muscle, Less = More

When looking to gain muscular body weight, less is very often more. This statement becomes law if you are a hard gainer.

Over the years I have had many a prospective client come in to speak with me about their goals of gaining more muscle and getting stronger. Generally I will have them describe what they have tried up to then and ask how it is working for them. Most are training too frequently, for too long and performing too many sets and reps per body part. They have become attached to this training regime because they had a little success with it in the beginning and are convinced if they keep it up, sooner or later they will begin to gain more; but it doesn’t happen. So mistakenly they think they need more sets and reps or another day of training. They refuse to let go of this mentality for fear of losing what little they have gained.

Change, letting go, is one of the hardest things for us to do especially if we have experienced a little success at first. Even after I have explained how a muscle adapts, growing stronger and getting bigger to the proper stimulus, rest and nutrition providing the optimum environment, some refuse to let go of ineffective training methods. When I see some of these people three months or a year down the road many are not training, haven given up in frustration, or still look the same as the day I met with them still convinced that some day they will begin to get bigger doing the same old thing.

If you are looking to gain some muscular size and strength try cutting back on your training. Eliminate most if not all isolation exercises in favor of compound exercises. If you are training properly you need only train three times per week for one hour or less each time. Overhaul your nutritional plan to ensure you are providing the optimum environment for growth. Be sure to get plenty of recuperative rest and relaxation.

Stop spinning your wheels spending countless hours in the gym getting nowhere. Training is fun but there is more to life than just training. Get out and enjoy it. You may be surprised at how much you gain not just in size and strength.

I can help you find the passion in your training again. Contact me at premierblueprints@gmail.com and let's discuss how we can get you back on track.

Monday, May 4, 2009


To realize progression it is essential to raise our thoughts pushing ourselves OUTSIDE our comfort zone.

In order to develop stronger muscles it is necessary to continually CHALLENGE them with stresses they are not accustom to and then give them proper nutrition providing the ideal environment for them to adapt.

It is the same in the progression of life. We must continually set GOALS above our comfort zone and then nourish them with right thinking which provides the ideal environment to MANIFEST them.

It is important each day to perform some action no matter how small, which leads us toward our intentions.

“All achievement, whether in business, intellectual, or spiritual world, are the result of definitely directed thought, are governed by the same law, and are of the same method; the only difference lies in the object of attainment.” - James Allen

Friday, May 1, 2009

Noise Pollution

Are you a victim of noise pollution?

Do you constantly have some background noise on? Radio, television or music.

While driving, is the radio or CD player always on?

Often music or a good TV program can be stimulating and positive but it is important to have quiet times with no noise to interrupt our spiritual thought from which our physical world is developed.

It is important to spend time in the quietude of your mind each day to renew and refresh. Discover who you are, how you feel and why you feel the way you do about the events of the day.

Do your feelings support your intentions or detract from them? What changes need to be made? What steps will you take to bring your thoughts and feelings in line with your intentions?

“The soul requires duration time –rich, thick, deep, velvety time – and it thrives on rhythm. Soul can’t be hurried or harried. We may go through many events in the day and experience nothing because the soul has not had the opportunity to feel them from many different points of view.” - Robert Sardello

Part of reaching your goals is an unclouded mind. Help is another important tool. Email me if you're looking to get life on track - premierblueprints@gmail.com