Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am so grateful God has given man the gift of imagination. Imagination resides in the spirit, your power of intention, our subconscious mind. Without imagination none of the inventions you see around you would exist for it is from our imaginative thought that we create things from substance and manifest them in the physical realm. It is important to encourage people to think and dwell in the spiritual, subconscious realm where all things are possible.

There can be no lack or limitation here for this is where all things that ever were or will be, exist. At this level there is NO judgment, no labeling or categorizing. We just are. We can be, do, and have anything we imagine as long as our faith and desire is strong enough.

Man has succumbed to thinking mostly in the physical realm where he judges, labels and compartmentalizes things and people. We have allowed our senses and the appearance of things to become our guide instead of our all knowing limitless Power of Intention. This is a trick of the Ego. It creates thoughts of lack and limitation leading to competition and judgment. When we judge another we say you are this or that therefore you behave this way or that way. By this we imprison them, conform and limit them to what we have decided they should be. We do this individually and as a society.

If our thought process is governed by the physical realm and as a child growing up into adulthood we are told we are stupid, will never amount to anything and worthless you can bet these are the characteristics and body chemistry we will develop because this is what we will come to believe about our self and will act accordingly. People we meet will judge and react to us accordingly because of the mannerisms we develop and the vibration our body chemistry gives off as being a loser.

This only serves to reinforce what we believe to be true about our self. Mentally we remain bound by these false chains we unknowingly have chosen to accept as truth therefore becoming our reality. Chemical and physical imbalances do not exist in the spiritual realm, only in the physical brought on by stress, worries of lack, limitation and judgment. The subconscious knows how to heal all imbalances. It is our Power of Intentions desire that we be perfect. Given the opportunity and according to our faith our subconscious will heal all imbalances. Our subconscious created and sustains us; it knows how to heal us.

We can see now why it is important our thought process remain in the spiritual realm, allowing our subconscious mind, where all things are possible, to be our guide. The subconscious knows all and is all. Allowing our creative Power of Intention to guide us we do not judge or condemn others but allow them the freedom to imagine and realize their intention. We allow them to fulfill their purpose advancing life for all. When we have contact with another we need to see them as the beautiful spirit they are. Capable of accomplishing great things to advance our universe when their minds are freed from the judgments and limitations set by the physical realm.

It is important we encourage one another to see another way, to encourage right thinking. We are not our bodies, we are spirit. The body is simply our physical mode of transportation and housing while we are temporarily experiencing this physical world from which we do not come nor will we remain in it.

I would like to help encourage you and your imaginaion. Email me at premeirblueprints@gmail.com

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