Word of the Week

I introduced the Word of the Week to help us improve our working knowledge of the English language. Your part if you choose to participate is to be aware of and use each word for the entire week whenever the opportunity presents itself. This way we will all increase our vocabulary and our knowledge of the English language supplying us with a very effective tool to utilize on our road to success.


te·mer·i·ty /təˈmerəti/ noun

the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment.

From a poem entitled “It’s No Surprise”

“Eyes exuding sincerity,

understanding, temerity,

is why I love you.”

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The “guru” studied and studied.
He meditated and meditated.
And the only thing he found he knew,
Was that he didn’t know.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bound by Emotional Vibration

I am noticing a commonality within many people I speak to. Many agree, and seem to understand, that we are the creators of all we experience and become in life, but few fully understand—or are able to implement—the necessary process to bring about their desired results, although some experience results in varying degrees, whether self directed or happenstance.

The key to lasting change is found in your ability to adjust the frequency of emotional vibration generated by your core beliefs (blueprints), about who and what you are, pertaining to the different theaters of your life. Your success will always be equal to the percentage of change toward the desired result.

If you are finding your success temporary or limited, it is because of your improper use of mind—the faculty of the Will and the faculty of Reason. In order to gain, we must release. In order to receive, we must give. Take some time to think about those last two statements. How might you apply them toward your desired end?

Control of the emotions is of utmost importance. When the emotions go unbridled feeding the imagination which in turn feeds the emotions it can become a progressive cyclical whirlwind of self destructive thought patterns. Most often fear or a bruised ego, thinking things should be different, is the driving force. This process will without fail, if persisted in, deliver exactly what you fear. It will continue to bring you more of the same so long as you continue to allow your emotions to be the dominate faculty setting up a negative emotional vibration attracting the opposite of your desired end.

Awareness is key in recognizing these destructive thoughts. Through proper use of the Will reinforced by the faculty of Reason you must immediately cut off these venomous habits that are being driven by old blueprints which no longer serve you and have brought all you have experienced to this point in your physical life. Two of the most powerful tools available for this purpose are affirmations and afformations. The greater your
command of these two tools the more success you will realize toward your worthy ideals. The proper use of these tools supplies you with the ability to immediately change your emotional vibration to a frequency in tune with your intentions.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Your Internal Magnet

Why do you expect your outside life to be harmonious to your desires, when your inside life is such a mess?

One cannot sow seeds of love, gratitude and prosperity among weeds of lack, despair, complaining, hatred and jealousy. Just as the farmer must clear the land of all that is harmful to his crop, so must you clear the garden of your mind of all that is not supportive toward your worthy ideals.

Your head thoughts and wishful thinking are useless against the negative emotional vibration of your soul. This is your internal magnet, which draws all your experiences to you, knowingly or—as with most—automatically. Temporary success may be obtained, but shall not linger as the Master Control will soon rise to destroy all that is not in allegiance to it.

Awareness of thought must be married to deep emotional desire, belief, persistence, and gratitude if you are to effect any lasting change. These things are those which provide the key to your Master Control. Only in this way may you enter the core of your soul. Only in this way will the door be opened, allowing you access to create the life you desire, replacing the blueprints which currently hold you hostage.

“Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened.” - Jesus

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It is only through believing with persistence, gratitude, love and continual importunity man realizes his inner most desires thereby shaping his outward life toward his worthy ideals.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Sound Principle for Success

Taking the “High Road” will always guarantee you stay in a positive environment, (vibration), able to receive all the good coming to you.

Ego will always try to convince you that vengeance and spite is the path to follow. These feel good to the ego masking the negative vibration created from lowering yourself to this level of pettiness. You may even seem to prosper for a time however prosperity from bestial means is seldom enjoyed and in time will produce its just reward from the pit of negativity.

Discrepancies can never be resolved on the same level or lower level than they were produced. You must raise your thoughts above the tenebrous desires of ego toward spirit consciousness where love, understanding and compassion are found. Guard your thoughts focusing on the desired outcome with faith, praise and persistence. In this way you will manifest the proper corollary for all involved.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Why so bitter, my friend? Why do you allow ego identification to choose bitterness over love and joy, which is your true essence? What purpose does it serve, except to destroy, for bitterness is cancer of the soul? Like an underground spring, your bitterness is icy and deep rooted. It will eventually surface into your physical world, bringing with it all the venom contained within.

Your world is angry, with its angry music and violence. It is wrought with sarcasm and hurt toward yourself and others. This—you have given ego permission to convince you—is the way to have fun, though at the sacrifice of others. You tear them down, chew them up and spit out the bitterness you have allowed contaminate your soul.

I fear for you, my friend, for the days that lay ahead will soon bear the fruit of the seeds you are nurturing. There is no escape except you change your thoughts, therefore your emotional vibration, activating all the goodness intended for you.

Take heed, my friend, for the day approaches quickly.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Essential Keys to Success

Three essential keys to success are thought, feelings and emotional vibration.

Thought causes feelings;
Feelings create emotional vibration;
Emotional vibration is the magnet that draws your experiences to you, cause and effect.

Everything in our universe is energy, and therefore vibrates at a designated frequency.  Yes, even rock, trees, things—which to our eyes seem solid—have a vibrational frequency. Because these things do not have a soul—spirit—they vibrate at a predetermined and constant frequency.  We, on the other hand, are spirit and the frequency at which we vibrate is determined by our emotional state.

It becomes very complex here because we vibrate at a different frequency for each field we are developing or neglecting.  The field of finance may have a very positive vibration and we may experience great success here, but our field of relationships may be very negative, and therefore we struggle.

Many of these emotional vibrations have become automatic, or habit, as many of our emotional blueprints were formed many years ago with the aid of well meaning parents and authority figures.  Unless we can overwrite these blueprints, we will continue to experience the same results time and again, no matter our wishful thinking and desire.  This is why the apostle Paul, in the bible, comments, “I do not understand what I do.  For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.”

Only by fully developing all three keys can we begin to experience the life we desire to create.  Through meditation, create in your mind that which you desire to manifest.  Choose the proper thoughts to permeate your worthy intention.  In your mind imagine all the sights, smells and sounds which surround your desire.  This will create the feelings associated with that which you wish to bring in to your physical world, thereby raising your emotional vibration toward these things, and attracting all the necessary components to realize your success.

How strongly you wish to attain your desire will have a direct influence as to the degree of your success.  A very strong emotional vibration, just as a very powerful magnet, will attract more of what you want to you, and with greater speed.  Once attained, just as a powerful magnet holds things fast, so too will very powerful emotional vibrations sustain you in times of trial.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Wish for others...

Wish for others what you wish for yourself. This is the key to harmonious human relations.
- Dr. Joseph Murphy Putting the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Work

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Imagination – powerful tool or devastating enemy?

Imagination is one of our most powerful tools and is the beginning point for all our greatest inventions, fictional stories, new businesses, new ways of doing business and anything you can imagine. Men and women have imagined wonderful things in their minds and through visualization, faith and persistence, often against ridicule and seemingly impossible odds, have advanced all of humanity.

Following the universal law of polarity, imagination has a polar opposite which can be devastating if we allow it to run uncontrolled. If it is allowed imagination will run rampant often becoming crippling to the host. Imagination is not reliable to operate on its own and must be governed through proper use of the will and reason. Imagination and emotion fuel one another and can be particularly devastating to relationships at any level. What we harbor in our heart and allow our imagination to dwell and grow upon will manifest in our physical world at some point whether we like it or not. It is imperative we learn to use the will properly selecting and visualizing only those thoughts which direct us toward our desired outcome.

I am the maker of my world and you are the maker of your world. It will become whatever we perpetually imagine it to be.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blowing in the Wind

I am reminded of a song that contains the lyrics; “The answer is blowing in the wind.”
Too many of us are searching “out there” for answers to life and day to day problems we
face. We look to friends, institutions, government, gurus and books. Some may even
look to the entertainment world for answers to “what’s wrong” and how to solve it.
This is not to say some valuable information and insight cannot be found in these places
but it is not the place or the information gathered there that will supply the answers we
seek. It is how we internalize this information, our thought process surrounding the
information. All our problems are solved or fed from the inside. The answer lies within.
Outside information is simply a tool and nothing more. These tools must be used to build
new blueprints, behaviors, not just surface thoughts and wishful thinking for man does
not become what he wishes but that which he truly harbors in his heart.
The answer my friend is found within. It can be no other way.

Your own thoughts, desires, and aspirations comprise your world, and, to you, all that
there is in the universe of beauty and joy and bliss, or of ugliness and sorrow and pain,
are contained within yourself. By your own thoughts you make or mar your life, your
world, your universe.
James Allen

Monday, June 28, 2010


It is better to say nothing, do nothing, and listen for a time allowing without interference
or opposition.

We cannot fully understand another’s experience or the workings of Divine Intelligence.
Interference causes friction. Friction creates draining negative energy restricting the flow
of good which is always trying to come to us.

With faith and gratitude we enter each circumstance looking for the lessons to be learned,
the growth and opportunity contained within.

Those who have faith in and adhere to the laws of our universe can relax having
confidence all will come to a successful conclusion. All that is necessary will be
provided in its perfect time. It is always this or something more.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sustained Thought = Success

Embrace your desires with gratitude, faith and action for gratitude, faith and action are the nourishment with which we nurture our worthy ideals.

All great accomplishments began as thought substance.  No thing in existence, no accomplishment has ever been realized except it was first a thought.

Man is a thought center and by holding fast the thoughts of his desires with gratitude and faith will attract the conditions congenial to his purpose and must act upon them.

Do not waste your thoughts on what was or on the appearance of what is for things are seldom as they seem.  By your thoughts turn all circumstance positively toward your purpose not worrying for material possessions or where provision will come from. 

The Source of Creation is not interested in material possessions or status.  It will provide what is needed – it will guide, motivate, and influence you and everyone else.

Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life - Dr. Wayne Dyer 
    Creation is seldom logical and often demands quantum leaps.  Great faith and action, with gratitude will be required of those who wish to move forward.  Any thoughts of lack or limitation will lay waste all desire.  A strong belief in our Creator and that our Creator desires an abundant life for all is a prerequisite to your success.  Be grateful for all for it has helped shape what represents you by your thought choices.  There is no luck or happenstance involved.  It is preparedness meeting opportunity.  We prepare by mastering the tools of sustained thought, faith, action and gratitude. 

    Monday, June 21, 2010


    We have heard it said we must not judge another till we have walked a mile in his shoes. 
    I say we must never judge another yea we walk ten miles in his shoes for we cannot know nor understand what has gone before. 
    If we are ever to judge another be sure to judge on the side of goodness and all things positive for judgment is clothed in its corresponding vibration.  Judgment may be both positive and negative and will return to its maker that which he has put forth. 
    This is not to say we turn a blind eye to negativity.  We need to be aware of the negative, take appropriate action by focusing on the positive thereby consuming the negative and it shall pass away.  No negative thing can survive long in a positive environment.

    Wednesday, June 2, 2010

    Seeing Clearly

    The closer we get the more recondite our vision becomes.

    The challenge is to remain at the focal point where all things remain clear, opportunity and decisions may present themselves without question or hesitation.

    A competent knowledge of the operation ego and spirit fulfill is necessary to distinguish the voices.

    Few possess the awareness; fewer still are willing to do the work.

    No wonder so many blindly wander. 

    Monday, May 31, 2010

    exNHL Player Gary Roberts

    I was watching an interview of ex NHL player Gary Roberts the other week.

    Gary has always been known for his exceptional work ethic.  The following is a quote from the interview.

    “Those who excel are those who do not just work, but those who work with purpose.”

    Friday, May 28, 2010

    A Different View to Receiving

    When we disallow another to share their friendship with us, particularly a loved one, we deprive them of the ability to love and grow them self. 

    When we do share, receiving then becomes giving, giving another the opportunity to fully express and expand as Infinite Intelligence intended.

    Think on this over the next while. Become aware of opportunities presented whereby you are able to discover the joy of giving through receiving enriching the lives of all involved. 


    Wednesday, May 26, 2010

    Art of Allowing

    We are Life Energy.  All comes from the same source.  The same Life Energy permeates and surrounds everything.  We are simply Life Energy having a physical experience.  It is important we not interfere by labeling or defining circumstances or people, but allow Life to accomplish its goal through us, seamlessly and effortlessly.
    The moment we label something or someone our Life Force has no option but to take this path as we have defined it pertaining to our personal self.  We must let go and let God.  Each one has purpose and it is each ones responsibility to stay on purpose without imposition allowing the Life Force within to manifest that purpose.  For Life is continually working toward expansion and the good of all things.

    Many could say how can this be?  This person or that one has so much more energy than “I” and is more successful in all they set out to accomplish.

    Here in lays their dilemma.  Through improper use of ego, the great ”I AM”, that which strives for identity through attachment, we severely reduce our Life Source.  Some completely cut off their supply through improper thought choices leading to any number of restrictive behaviors, blaming outside circumstance, unaware they alone are the reason for their misfortune and prosperity.

    Friday, May 21, 2010

    Where are you Headed?

    "The human mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild. But whether cultivated or neglected, it must bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall, accumulate, and will reproduce their own kind." - James Allen

    If man were only aware that he shapes his life no matter consciously or unconsciously by the thoughts he habitually thinks. His environment is simply a reflection of his inner state be it positive or negative. There is no standing still. Man either moves toward or away from his worthy ideals by the thoughts he chooses. In which direction are you headed?

    Wednesday, May 19, 2010

    Replacing Habits

    All humans become habitual.

    Aside from addiction, habits also include mannerisms, customs, and rituals.

    Habits are really nothing more than thought patterns which have become automatic.

    Ego will support these thought patterns by coming up with every excuse in the book to maintain them.  See

    Many of the habits we form serve us well and will continue to serve well for a lifetime.

    Some of our habits may become outdated as we strive assiduously toward new goals and lifestyle changes, but are still running the show.

    Still other habits we adopt may be down right destructive—dangerous to our well being and to those around us.

    Any habit that does not support our goal is taking us further from it and must be extinguished quickly, to be replaced by a habit—a new blueprint—which does support our intention.

    The most effective way to oust an outdated or destructive habit is to be ruthless, immediately cutting all ties. Focus on the polar opposite. With proper use of the will, choose only those thoughts that support and represent the new blueprint we wish to implement. Through starving the old blueprint by lack of thought toward it, the old habit dies of malnourishment.

    A clean break is what is required. Draw on the power of the subconscious mind. It will respond.

    Friday, May 14, 2010


    “Enthusiasm is the secret ingredient of success for the most successful people as well as the generator of happiness in the lives of those who possess it.” - Dr. Joseph Murphy 

    When we are on purpose enthusiasm flows naturally and helps to attract all that is necessary for our success.

    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    Efficiency of Effort

    Observation from the other day….Entered gym with client.
    Performed 3 sets double drop squats
    Noticed girl on recumbent bike reading magazine
    Four sets db bench press with pushups to fail after each set


    In 25 minutes we did more result producing intense work than anyone at the gym
    We were done... They were still there
    Time for delicious lunch

    Often less is more 

    Exceptional efficient effort will always yield exceptional results

    Find out how, email premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Monday, May 10, 2010

    Two Doors

    All things are presented for our benefit and growth
    No thing, is bad or good except we label and personalize it so
    Our experience will follow the label we attach
    Much may be lost
    An equal amount gained
    The master key will open both doors
    Few will understand
    Fewer still, apply
    Wisdom is attained through awareness of how foolish we are
    Oh to fool ourselves into thinking we actually understand anything


    Friday, May 7, 2010

    Seeing is Believing - Guest Poster Shawna Page

    Have you ever been working towards something and found yourself side tracked? 

    Have you ever trained for something and got discouraged or tired?
    If you said yes to either of those you are not alone!  I have felt this way and so have many others. 
    One way I have found to get past the hurdle is to invision what I want.  For instance I have always seen myself as a champion.  When I encounter a rough training session I picture myself standing a top the podium with the Canadian anthem playing and the Candian flag being raised. 

    Sunday was a perfect example of this.  Sunday was hot, I was tired and my trainer had me pulling sleds outside.  I was thinking to myself “I don’t want to do this right now!”  I almost threw in the towel but then I pictured myself on that podium with the anthem playing and flag being raised and remembered that every step I take will bring me that much closer to my goal. 

    Whether you want to save money or change your appearance, picturing the final outcome will help keep you on the right path.  Whenever you are faced with a road block take a second and see what you want and where you want to be.  Once you have invisioned your final goal re-evaluate the decision you are about to make.  If your decision takes you closer to your target jump forwards with both feet.

    Shawna would love your feedback!  premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Wednesday, May 5, 2010

    Spirit Love

    True Spirit love is non controlling and non dominating.  It allows another to grow and develop as they are designed to without interference or judgment.  It allows another to search and discover their answers.  True Spirit love understands it cannot know what is best for another.  Patience, compassion, and supportive council are its trade marks.  True Spirit love recognizes people and things enter and exit our journey at their assigned time for each ones benefit and to realize these benefits must not interfere through ownership lest each one miss the opportunity for growth.  True Spirit love recognizes the danger in allowing Ego based love to attach itself, bringing with it the necessity to label, compartmentalize and identify with, through its controlling nature.  Ego based love will in the end destroy that which it seeks to save.

    True Spirit love is natural and easy without the myriad of highly emotional traits of Ego based love.  True Spirit love understands the ways of Ego and is able to guide them for the benefit of all.


    Tuesday, May 4, 2010

    A further note to Sacrifice

    It is important to understand that there may be ships in the harbor of our past which require us to hoist anchor and allow setting sail making room for the new.  These will be some of the most difficult challenges we face and must be certain the sacrifice is worth the gain.  With weights and measures of Spirit and Ego we must do battle.  We must not waver in our decision for tempest tossed souls are bound for destruction. 
    In the end always trust in Spirit.  It will never guide us astray.  
    In the bark of your soul reclines the commanding Master: He does but sleep: wake him.  Self control is strength.  Right thought is mastery.  

    Calmness is power.  

    Say unto your soul, “Peace, be still!” - James Allen

    Friday, April 30, 2010


    I was listening to Wayne Dyer on cd this morning on my way into work.

    He posed two very interesting questions I would like to pass on to you.
    If there were no such thing as money, what would you be doing?

    What would you be working at? 

    I would like to add to this, then why are you not pursuing this because in today’s world we can make money at anything? 

    Follow your passion and make a living doing it.  No excuses!!

    To figure our how, email me: premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Wednesday, April 28, 2010


    Once we have defined our worthy ideals and begin our move toward them we can expect a certain amount of turmoil and resistance. For change, (growth), very seldom comes without cost. We cannot grow without leaving behind what has previously defined our existence. In order to create new we discard the old. This is one of the principles upon which our universe is governed.

    It is as sound as any mathematical equation. 
    Move a little – sacrifice little
    Move a lot -- sacrifice much. 

    It is important we ask our self – what am I willing to give up to advance toward my intentions? 

    Many whom we may have considered close friends may reject our transformation, even family members may choose not accept change.  Their narrowness of thought, ego being their dominating force, keeps them bound, unable to accept change.  This is unfortunate but realize it is their choice not yours.   

    “Men are not disturbed by the things that happen, but by their opinion of the things that happen.” - Epictetus 

    You act and feel, not according to what things are really like, but according to the image your mind holds of what they are like. - Maxwell Maltz 

    Friday, April 23, 2010


    Conversations with several people over the last week have prompted this repost from last July.

    Where Am I Going?

    Set aside some time this week to discover who you are and why you are here. Too many of us travel through life without ever knowing who we really are and what our purpose is. Yes we have all at times wondered why we are here and what we would like to do with our lives or where our lives are taking us, (instead of us directing our lives to take us where we want), and wondering where we might be five or ten years from now. So many of us drift along going with the flow letting our circumstances and environment dictate our actions and therefore results. It is kind of like leaving on a trip without really knowing where you are going or will end up. Generally when we plan a trip we know where we are going, why we are going, how we will get there, things we are going to do and see when we are there and any necessary preparations required ahead of time. Why do we spend more time planning a trip than we do our lives? Is life not just a trip of another kind? Does it not deserve at least as much planning as your next vacation?

    Here are some questions to help you get started. If you think of other relevant questions that have meaning for you leading to a positive corollary, by all means add them.

    What am I?

    Am I my name? Am I my body? Am I the things I have accumulated?

    Or am I much more than this?

    What defines me?

    What are my beliefs? How did I come to believe what I do? Is it someone else’s belief I have accepted as truth or my own? How would other people define me? Am I my own person or am I trying to please everyone by being the type of person they think I should be? Do I need to revisit and look at some of my beliefs differently? How?

    What do I want from life?

    What are my passions? What would be my ideal life if nothing were impossible? What type of person has this life? Do my beliefs harmonize with this type of person? What changes must I make to become this type of person? How will I make these changes? What limits do I impose upon myself and how will I eliminate them?

    What is my purpose?

    How will I develop and use my passions, (talents, gifts), throughout my life to help others? How will I give back?

    “Nothing is impossible to the mind. All its guidance and power are available to you. When you have fully realized THOUGHT CAUSES ALL, you will know there will never be any limits that you yourself do not impose.” - U. S. Anderson

    For further discussion or help with these questions email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

    Wednesday, April 21, 2010

    I lay on a rock
    I looked into a stream
    And lo
    I became aware
    I don’t need to struggle

    Monday, April 19, 2010


    Spirit unites
    Religion segregates 
    Spirit does not judge
    Religion compares 
    Spirit is forgiving
    Religion condemns 
    Spirit is of God
    Religion believes in a God 
    Spirit is Universal Intelligence
    Religion is man 
    Spirit is freeing
    Religion controlling 
    Spirit is wholeness
    Religions are pieces 
    Spirit accepts all
    Religion accepts few 
    Spirit is natural
    Religion is forced 
    Spirit is power through giving and love
    Religion is power through greed and good intention 

    These things from ancient times arise from one:
    The sky is whole and clear
    The earth is whole and firm
    The spirit is whole and full 
    When man interferes with the Tao
    The sky becomes filthy
    The earth becomes depleted
    The equilibrium crumbles
    Creatures become extinct 
    From the 39th verse of the Tao Te Ching

    Friday, April 16, 2010

    Fluff and Nonsense

    Fluff and Nonsense 
    I looked around to see what stirs comment
    And here is what I found
    It’s fluff and it’s flimsy and not very sound 
    We comment on heresay, on gossip and smut
    On lives gone awry and things gone amuck 
    Ego loves to point fingers, to belittle and such
    To speak of misfortune, the like there is much 
    Ego dwells around the husk, avoiding the core
    For that would demand thought, a laborious chore 
    Ego goes silent when challenged with substance,
    Individualized thinking can be such a nuisance 
    So let us discuss Tiger, the score, and the soaps
    Perhaps the latest fads, the weather and horoscopes 
    To this end we’ll fashion our lives
    And wonder why God doesn’t hear our cries
    The great master follows his own nature
    and not the trappings of life.
    It is said:
    “He stays with the fruit and not the fluff.”
    “He stays with the firm and not the flimsy.”
    “He stays with the true and not the false.” 
    From the 38th verse of the Tao Te Ching 

    Monday, April 12, 2010

    What in Your House?

    In every house it is the emptiness contained within that makes it useful.
    Without nothingness you cannot have something. 

    Without space there is nothing to be filled. 

    Space between the notes gives us music – without the space it is just noise. 

    Your house will reflect the personality of that which you choose to fill it. 

    We can fill our house with the music of anger, lack, limitation and poverty, or peace, love, health, joy and prosperity. 

    Whatever we choose will be our lot.


    Friday, April 9, 2010

    From the Notes of James Allen

    What you are, so is your world.  Everything in the universe is resolved into your own inward experience.  It matters little what is without, for it is all a reflection of your own state of consciousness.  It matters everything what you are within, for everything without will be mirrored and colored accordingly. 

    Reflecting on these words how might one alter his outward state toward a more desirable environment?

    Consider how behaviors predict the responses we experience from our outside world, both positive and negative.

    Wednesday, April 7, 2010

    Function of the Will

    Proper use of the will is to command control of the mind and all its faculties – self discipline.  Our conscious mind is a center of thinking and if left unsupervised will entertain all manner of thoughts allowing them to filter into our subconscious mind eventually materializing in our physical experience. 

    Failing the proper use of the will leaves us subject to the whims of our external environment increasing the vulnerability of loss of control and direction.  Our emotions, being driven by our circumstance, become our unstable guide, dictating our actions, leading to results we may or may not find desirable. 

    The will is not to be used externally to coerce another into self serving action.  We do not know what is best for another and manipulation enslaves them. The will is best exercised internally keeping your house clean and on purpose. 

    Proper use of the will is to stay on purpose, thwarting doubt, disbelief and fear, for these things will surely slow or even negate your progress altogether.  When doubt or fear materializes immediately summon the courage and strength of the will to chase them from your mind replacing them with positive visions and thoughts of your worthy ideals.  In this way you will realize success.  The will is to be used to focus upon those things which you want.  The sharper your focus the faster they will be realized, or something better.

    Proper use of the will is to focus on where you are going, not on where you have been.  Use your imagination, (the creative mind), to build your ideal world in spirit, - then call upon the will to stay the course bringing it into your physical experience.  In this way you can realize all you desire. 

    For further discussion please e-mail premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Monday, April 5, 2010

    Get Serious!

    You’ve got to be kidding!

    I have seen some pretty crazy things in the gyms over the last thirty some odd years but what I witnessed the other day has to be right up there with the craziest I have ever seen.

    Are you ready for this?

    I actually watched a lady doing what might be classified as some kind of dumbbell shoulder press, one arm at a time—while reading, holding her novel in the other hand!

    She was using a 5lb dumbbell which was flying up and down at a million miles per hour with absolutely no form or posture. It was bad enough that all the treadmill and elliptical trainers were zoned out in front of the TVs, not focusing at all on their workout, but this was ludicrous. She actually had one of those office bulldog clips holding her page.

    Do these people actually expect to get the results they are seeking?

    Have they resigned themselves to the excuse of mediocrity?

    Or, having tried previously and failed, decided their desires are not attainable but doing something is better than nothing?

    Focused attention on purpose is the only way to bring you the results you wish to accomplish quickly and safely.

    The old story of trying to start a fire with a magnifying glass comes to mind. The sharper your focus the better your results will be.

    The fitness world is no exception to this universal law.

    Results-oriented training begins in the mind with purpose and emotional content. Know why you are training, with well defined goals and daily action steps to support them.

    For information on how you can acquire your “Get Serious” program and a seven step guideline to guaranteed success email premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Wednesday, March 31, 2010

    Beautiful Gift

    One of the most beautiful gifts we are able to enjoy as Spirit is the ability to participate in the shaping of our future by holding our thoughts with faith and gratitude upon those things which we wish to manifest in our life.

    By our thoughts we may rise to our highest aspirations.

    No other living creature has this privilege.

    Discuss, premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Monday, March 29, 2010


    Divine Substance is always for the advancement and prosperity of all.
    We are but a vessel through which this advancement is accomplished.
    Each is given a passion which if actively developed through faith with gratitude, cannot fail to manifest itself in our physical life. 

    Are you actively pursuing your passion?


    Friday, March 26, 2010

    Stay Focused

    Our physical journey is so short, yet we manage to entangle ourselves with things of insignificance—losing sight of our passions. 

    We build prison walls around us, falsely believing in the presumed protection they provide. What is it we are protecting anyway? 

    We trap ourselves in a world of accumulation and status, thinking it will lead us to the love and happiness we seek. 

    We become content, accepting mediocrity, sacrificing worthy intentions and the desire for following Spirit’s calling. 

    Through seeking control, we lose it—becoming slaves to ego’s insatiable demands. 

    True peace, love, joy, health and prosperity are found in Spirit—Creation. 

    Allow your true self—not ego—to be your guide, bringing you all you are able to perceive from this short visit in the physical dimension.

    Wednesday, March 24, 2010

    A Haitian Story in Ottawa

    To help please contact premierblueprints@gmail.com

    On Saturday, the 6th of March 2010 I was standing in the check out line at the Canadian Tire on Olgivie Road when I noticed that a tiny middle aged Caribbean woman in line in front of me was purchasing camping gear, which to me seemed a bit out of character.  Being the curious person that I am I inquired if the camping gear was for herself or was it for her children?  She stated it was for Haiti.  The dome tent and tarps she was purchasing was for someone in Haiti.  Being such a tiny woman and such a big heavy tent I offered to carry it out to her car for her.  Once in the parking lot I asked where her car was?  She had no car, that she had taken the bus.  

    At this point my girlfriend Divania and I realized we just couldn't let this tiny little woman try and take this big tent and tarp's home on the bus and we offered her a ride.  She, Anna accepted our offer.  On the ride home I inquired who the tent was for; it was for her 74 year old mother and her brother who had lost there home in the earthquake and were currently sleeping in the open air on the streets in Haiti - not even a tarp to cover themselves. I thought about my own mother, what it would be like if she had lost everything and was sleeping on the streets of Toronto, just as the winter season was coming.  

    Being a curious person I further inquired and discovered that the Airline she is travelling on to Haiti to deliver this tent to her mother is going to charge her extra for bringing the tent and relief supplies with her.  This is a women of modest income and this trip is no doubt a great expense for her.  As we turned from Montreal Road onto Anna's street to drop her off she didn't need to tell me which home was hers; the vividly painted home with bright cheerful Caribbean colours that she had painted herself jumped right out at us.  After carrying Anna's mothers new home from the trunk of my car to her front door again I thought of my own family.  I knew at that moment I would just have to do something to help this wonderful lady and if nothing else at least try to get her story told.    

    As Anna is bringing relief supplies to homeless family members in Haiti I am hoping that someone from the Ottawa Citizen or even the Office of the Governor General can inquire with the airline on this wonderful ladies behalf and see if the airline has any special provisions that would permit them to waive the normal surcharge they charge customers who go over their weight allocation.  After all, Anna is bringing relief supplies to people who lost everything in the earthquake and are now sleeping in the open on the streets of Haiti just as the rainy season is starting.  

    Anna is leaving for Haiti from the Montreal Airport on the 24th of March 2010 and flying Air Transit to Haiti.  

    Thank you so much for your time,
    David Loftus
    To help please contact premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Organizations help nurse flying with aid to Haiti
    Woman loads up on vital supplies for family
    By Katie Stewart, The Ottawa CitizenMarch 22, 2010

    Anna Junie Jeanty is surrounded by the relief supplies she is taking to her family in Haiti on Wednesday.
    She won't have to pay $400 in excess baggage fees and Canadian Tire will reimburse her for some of the supplies.
    Photograph by: Julie Oliver, The Ottawa Citizen
    With the help of an Ottawa non-profit organization, an area woman will not have to pay $400 in excess baggage fees to bring essential supplies to her family in Haiti.
    Not Just Tourists Ottawa arranged to have the fees waived for Anna Junie Jeanty, who is flying to Haiti on Wednesday with a five-person tent and other supplies for family members made homeless by the Jan. 12 earthquake.
    It's unusual for Not Just Tourists Ottawa to get involved with a flight to Haiti. The charity, which originated in St. Catharines, Ont., accepts donations of medicine and medical supplies from pharmacies, physicians, and hospitals, then arranges for travellers to volunteer to take these supplies on their flights. Often NJT can make arrangements with airlines to waive fees for humanitarian goods.
    Because Haiti is not a hotspot for tourists, NJT does not often send donations there. However, when the organization heard of Jeanty's plight, it stepped in.
    "We're just trying to make a small difference in something so big," said Mary Metcalfe, founder and co-ordinator of NJT-Ottawa. "You do what you can do."
    Jeanty has lived in Ottawa for 10 years, working as a registered practical nurse. It was more than a week after the earthquake struck before she received news that her family, including her 74-year-old mother and a brother, had survived. However, they were left with nothing and are now living on the streets.
    Air Transat resumed weekly flights to Haiti on March 10. Soon afterward, Jeanty booked a $580 return flight from Montreal to Port-au-Prince. She plans to stay a week.
    "I am going to support and comfort my family," said Jeanty.
    She plans to bring the tent, an electrical converter and other much-needed goods. "I need to bring covers, candles -- people need these things."
    Jeanty's not the only one packing a heavy load to Haiti.
    Air Transat spokesman Jacques Bouchard said the Haiti flights have "heavier than normal baggage because people pack as much as possible."
    Although they have made an exception for Jeanty, Air Transat has not adjusted excess baggage policies to accommodate travellers bringing supplies to Haiti.
    "We are limited by the plane," said Bouchard. "There's a legal and performance limit."
    Air Transat allows a maximum of 50 kilograms of personal luggage. Passengers are allowed 32 kilograms of excess baggage, but must pay $12 for each excess kilogram.
    "I think they should make exceptions in situations like this," said David Loftus, an Ottawa resident who met Jeanty at the Canadian Tire on Ogilvie Road when she was purchasing the tent. When he learned about her situation, he felt compelled to help however he could and began contacting various organizations.
    "I think a while back, airlines would have gone out of their way to help their customers, but times have changed," said Loftus
    In addition to the help from NJT-Ottawa, Canadian Tire has also offered to reimburse Jeanty for the supplies she bought at their store.
    "We would love to help her out," said Joanne Elson, manager of Canadian Tire retail communications.
    "I just thought that Anna would get community support from telling her story," said Loftus.
    And it worked.
    © Copyright (c) The Ottawa Citizen

    To help please contact premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Monday, March 22, 2010

    Here to There

    Spirit is energy.
    We are spirit.
    Mind is the tool we use to bridge from spirit to physical.
    By our thought choices we cross that bridge to our physical world.
    What are you choosing today?

    Friday, March 19, 2010


    You cannot see yourself in the reflection from a mirror.
    It can only reveal  part of the illusion ego has attached itself to.

    Wednesday, March 17, 2010


    Does it really matter if my clothes are folded this way or that?

    Why would I concern myself with such things?


    Monday, March 15, 2010

    Walk Away

    It is important we remove our self at the first opportunity from any negative environment that may arise.

    It is equally important not to personalize the environment attaching anger or frustration.

    This anger or frustration builds up a resistance in the body which is cumulative and will appear later in some form of dis ease.

    If we do find our self harbouring any negativity it is imperative we dispel it immediately.

    A great way to assuage pent up anger and frustration is through some form of concentrated physical activity.

    Wednesday, March 3, 2010

    We Are Responsible - We Choose

    What kind of thoughts will I choose today?

    What kind of day do I choose to have today regardless of circumstance?

    What are my options and why would I choose this particular one?

    True knowledge and power is found not in the acquisition of things, diplomas, information or status, but in self mastery – the understanding of self. One of the first steps to self mastery is to understand we have choice.

    Choose to email me at premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Monday, March 1, 2010

    The Olympics

    The Olympics – A true display of spirit, mind and body.
    What have you learned? 
    How will you apply it?
    Do you possess the courage?


    Friday, February 26, 2010

    Be the Stream

    See the stream as she gently winds her way along?

    How she is not concerned with what might appear to be “obstacles” in her way?

    She does not become bogged down.  Her progress is not hampered.  She does not stop to build up force, for force creates a counter force—friction.  Too much time and energy would be wasted.  Her focus may be lost, and she may never make it to her final destination.

    She simply builds her resources flowing around, over or under, gathering strength as she goes.

    She understands these “obstacles” are necessary for her to gather strength.

    These “obstacles’ are not “obstacles” at all, but guides indicating the direction she must flow toward her worthy ideal—the ocean.

    As she gathers strength, becoming the river, her path becomes straighter.  Less is able to withstand her power, however she understands she is still bound by the laws of Nature, allowing it to be her guide.

    Lakes are a time of calming, reflection and cleansing, as she journeys persistently toward her final destination.


    Tuesday, February 23, 2010

    It's Your Move

    If we are to expect any assistance from our Power of Intelligence we must first put forth the effort whether in thought or in deed.

    Nature does not support a parasite or a loafer, but she gives her energy to the ones who are struggling forward.  She lets the parasite and the loafer see that she will help if they put forth the effort to help themselves. - Raymond Holliwell, Working With the Law


    Friday, February 19, 2010


    What is this desire to attach our self to things?

    To say I am this, or say I am that?

    Why is it we feel the need to own—to control things?

    To say this belongs to me, or you belong to me?

    Why must we manipulate, compartmentalize and label?

    To say this must go here, and you must go there?

    Why do we linger and hold our self back?

    What is this magnetism we have with the past?

    What is this craving for gossip, the insatiable need for drama?

    To meddle where we don’t belong?

    Why can’t we see the prison we’re in?

    The walls we are building, the limitations we set?

    Ego demands identity—Spirit is free.

    To discuss answers email premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Wednesday, February 17, 2010

    The Most Powerful Weapons

    Far more devastating than nuclear weapons—weapons of mass destruction—are the weapons of hatred, sarcasm, cynicism, jealousy, controlling behaviours, attitudes of superiority, domination, and the like. All other weapons come out of these.

    No evil compares to the decimation of Spirit. Physical death would be freedom from suppression of Spirit.

    Take no part in these weapons which destroy the Soul.

    Search your heart and remove all such weapons.

    Every person with whom we cross paths is an opportunity to elevate or demoralize Spirit—each Spirit is a field for cultivation or decimation.

    Friday, February 12, 2010

    30th Verse of the Tao

    Whatever strains with force
    will soon decay.
    It is not attuned to the Way.
    Not being attuned to the way,
    its end comes all too soon.

    For many this excerpt from the 30th verse of the Tao will remain a mystery.

    For those who meditate on this, understand this, and apply this, they will discover within it one of the secrets to lasting success in all things.

    To discuss, email premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    Woman with Flower

    I wouldn’t coax the flower if I were you.
    Such watchful nurturing may do it harm.
    Let the soil rest from so much digging
    And wait until it’s dry before you water it.
    The leaf’s inclined to find its own direction;
    Give it a chance to seek the sunlight for itself.
    Much growth is stunted by too much prodding,
    Too much eagerness.
    The things we love we have to learn to leave alone.

    Naomi Long Madgett

    Monday, February 8, 2010

    Ride the Wave

    In keeping with last Wednesdays post I would like to repost Ride the Wave.

    Study and enjoy.

    Ride the Wave

    The life force within us is our power of intention. It is our guiding light not to be resisted, but energy, to be steered and cooperated with driving us to our desires. It is our job to be aware of the circumstances presented to us and not resist them but work within them creating our purpose. Resistance will always bring counter resistance resulting in conflict and an unhealthy environment opening us to all kinds of stress related diseases. We must maintain a constant vigil for the perfect opportunity provided through circumstance which will move us toward our goals yet be yielding to change trusting that our Power of Intention knows the best way for us.

    If you have ever had opportunity to observe the surfer you watched him surveying the sea as the waves constantly rolled in. He searches for the perfect wave that will give him the ride of his life. Once he has made his choice he is fully committed to his wave. He selects the perfect position within the wave and begins his ride. He doesn’t try to control the wave for that would be folly and end in disaster. No the master surfer takes the opportunities the wave presents him and works within those circumstances directing his ride to a thrilling successful end. His successful completion depends on his cooperation with the wave. If he resists or goes against the laws of the wave he will surely meet a counter resistance creating conflict and ultimately crash risking injury.

    As the surfer selects and totally commits to his wave focusing all energies upon a successful completion he reads and conforms to the circumstances provided within the wave and by his thoughts and actions he creates his successful journey. So must we select our goal, commit, focusing all our energies toward a successful completion. Remain stoical maintaining a flexible attitude toward the necessary circumstances presented for our desired end.

    For further discussion email

    Wednesday, February 3, 2010


    The most we can hope for is to organize our thoughts, with faith and gratitude, in such a way as to continually direct us toward our intentions.

    Only the foolish believe they can control anything beyond this.

    Disagree? Email premierblueprints@gmail.com.

    Monday, February 1, 2010


    No matter our present circumstance, happiness, contentment, peace, can be had now. Not at some future time when our surroundings may be more congenial, but right now, this very moment, and every moment here after.

    This happiness, contentment, and peace I speak of, saturates the entire universe and it is within each of us waiting to be discovered. It cannot be found in the external world, it dwells within; in the silent undisturbed depths of the spirit. No guru can deliver it to us; no amount of outward stuff can supply happiness; no form of relationship is able to clothe us with unbroken contentment for this kind of peace is transitory and will not stand against the trials of fire. What we must do is believe, simply believe with our minds. Entertain no doubt and meditate on this until we fully understand it. As we meditate we will begin to build a new inner world, which will strengthen and solidify with new understanding, as we begin to realize how powerless our outside environment is. Understanding this realization will enable us to enter into this peace, this unchanging happiness that enriches the soul.

    For comment please e-mail premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Wednesday, January 27, 2010


    Accept others as they are, without judgment, for they are perfect for this moment.

    Treat them with love and respect; as though they are capable of all they desire.

    To do so is to allow one to believe in them self, to blossom into the beautiful flower,

    Devine Intelligence intended, for the benefit of all.

    Monday, January 25, 2010

    Time Out

    Every so often it is important to take time out, do something you love to do. I love to drive, just drive and drive. Hop on any road, experience the beauty. If the sun is shining, appreciate how it makes the snow sparkle, sparkles like diamonds. If the sun doesn't shine, stop and look for animal tracks on virgin snow, rabbit, deer, fox tracks…they usually end up at their nest. Imagine the comfort in their nest! Newborns, babies all snuggled up keeping warm. Find an old building in the middle of nowhere, see if you can access it and feel the life it once shared. Find a wheat field that hasn't been cut and watch how the wheat bends with the wind. When you see a red wing black bird, stop and listen to its song. Check out the mailboxes on country roads, they are so much fun! Just hop on a road, drive. Who cares where it takes you. Appreciate all that it has to offer. Somehow, you'll get back on to the main road; back on track, very much like life isn't it? You stray a bit, get off track, experience and learn, then get back on track….go figure! Have fun!

    "Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths, or the turning inwards in prayer for five short minutes." - Etty Hillesum

    Wednesday, January 20, 2010

    Mining for Diamonds

    Don’t ever judge a book by its cover. Seldom are things, as they appear to be.

    We must not only read, but also study each and every page to seek and understand all that is contained within.

    Once discovered it is our duty to focus on all that is positive allowing the negative to be dissolved into nothingness.

    Celine Richardson

    Every person, every relationship, every circumstance has both positive and negative contained within. It is our job to seek out the positive, as if mining for diamonds, and work diligently nurturing all that is good. Discover the level of goodness and love in each situation, person and opportunity presented to us. In this way we bring about love, peace, joy, and prosperity.

    Monday, January 18, 2010

    What's Holding You Back?

    We all have to learn to be ourselves and not conform to what other people think we should be. You are a very special and unique person with a gift only you can give the world. Whatever you do don’t let people or circumstances change the person you are and don’t try to change other people. Love them for what they are and trust in them for all they can become.

    All you need to do is to take the time to find out about you. Not who other people believe you are but the real you.

    Excerpt from: Your Workbook For Success

    Thomas Robarge

    Is there some desire you‘ve always had but were afraid to explore? Perhaps you thought the timing or environment wasn’t just right. Maybe you believe you don’t have the skills to match your desire and are afraid of failing. Each of us was given many talents and gifts that come to us as desires. We are never given a desire if the potential to develop it is not within us. We must however believe in ourselves and make those first steps toward our desire in faith before the doors are opened to us. It is amazing the sequence of results and steady flow of help that comes to us once we have made that initial decision. Decide today to pursue your desires and watch the miracle unfold before you as you act upon all that is presented to you.

    “We have enough people who tell it like it is. Now we could use a few who tell it like it could be.”

    Robert Orben

    “If we did all the things we’re capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.”

    Thomas Edison

    Friday, January 15, 2010

    Live what you Love

    "The most important thing in living is to reach out for what you love. Then you’ll move from glory to glory and from strength to strength. There’s no end to the magnificence within you.

    Life is progression and endless development. Never in eternity could you exhaust the wonders and beauties that are within you. That’s how amazing you are, for the Kingdom of God is within you."

     - Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem, Dr. Joseph Murphy

    To discover what you love e-mail premierblueprints@gmail.com

    Wednesday, January 13, 2010

    Change the way you look at things...

    And the things you look at change.

    The intention of being successful and experiencing prosperity and abundance is dependent on how we view our-self and the situations we face.

    Our views either move us toward our intentions or away from them. Exam your view of your-self and the circumstances you face each day. How might a shift in prospective assist you toward your intentions?

    Monday, January 11, 2010

    How do I Know?

    Many struggle with making major decisions questioning whether they are making the right choice for them and all concerned.

    Bob Proctor in his Success Puzzle program suggests we use a four-point process to determine if our decision is the correct one.

    1. Do I want to be, do or have this?

    2. Will being, doing or having this move me in the direction of my goal?

    3. Is being, doing or having this in harmony with God’s laws or the laws of the Universe?

    And #4, which I believe, is one of the most important and overlooked points.

    4. Will being, doing or having this violate the rights of others?

    It is important to remember Devine Intelligence will not take from one to give to another.

    If things are to be as desired, Our Source of Creation will guide and provide what is necessary. With praise and gratitude we make our requests known. Then with faith allow Creation to do its work.

    E-mail premierblueprints@gmail.com for discussion.